12-day Foundation Training - Adelaide
Dates: DATES: January 2nd - 14th, 2023 (8th day off)
Class times:
Day 1: Meet at 9 am. Class 10am-1pm & 3-5pm
Days 2 - 7: 10am-1pm & 3-5pm daily
Day 8 OFF
Day 9- 14 : 10am-1pm & 3-5pm daily
Strength from Within
Norwood, Adelaide, South Australia.
Total fee: $2500AUD*. Consists of:
Studio Fee/Non refundable deposit: $1000 due Dec 1st 2022.
Course Fee: AUD$1500 ( to be paid to Suzanne McCarty on day 1 of the course)
Payment via: Bank Transfer
To secure your position in the course please complete the form below and make payment of the Studio Fee/Non-refundable deposit to:
Strength from Within
BSB: 805050
Acc: 63393179
Ref: your name plus GYRO FT (foundation training)
Register Your Interest
For more information about this training, please complete the form below. Nadine from the Strength from Within Studio will contact you with further information and payment details. Alternatively, you can call Nadine directly on 0423686827.