The GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Method at Hara in Coffs Harbour
As the only GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® method studio between Sydney and Byron Bay, HARA beyond movement studio is excited to offer this system in Coffs Harbour. As an ex-professional dancer, certified GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® method Master trainer, Suzanne has trained with and remains strongly influenced by The GYROTONIC® method founder, Juliu Horvath. She has a passion and enthusiasm for the fluid body movement that this movement method provides. Through her teaching and encouragement, it is evident that Suzanne’s students share her enthusiasm.
The holistic approach of these methodologies is more than just exercise, it’s also an education that inspires confidence, awareness and respect for your body.
Regular practice of the GYROTONIC® method or GYROKINESIS® exercise is beneficial to your exercise goals and will support daily routines and activities if you are looking to:
Improve general fitness, strength and control
Exercise with support and confidence after injury
Gain confidence and freedom within your body
Sculpt and tone your body
Gain precision and efficiency when executing movement
Improve posture
Support other sports/activities with improved technique
Prevent injury
Energise your body
What is the GYROKINESIS® method?
What is the GYROTONIC® method?
“Gyrokinesis Exercise is a tricky thing to explain. I’ve had regular classes now for a couple of years and every time I try to describe it, I always fall short. All I can say is, if you have never tried a movement style before in your life, Gyro is all you’ll ever need. And if you have moved before, Gyro is like coming home.
What GYROTONIC® equipment is at Hara Studio?
The Gyrotoner facilitates hip, and shoulder articulation in a myriad of different planes. It is an especially useful piece of equipment for mobilising the thoracic spine, and for coordinating hip, and shoulder movements with the spine.
Jumping Stretching Board
Jumping-Stretching Board exercise sequences are composed of full body, functional exercises, performed in a variety of body positions- kneeling, standing, lying and sitting. A diverse range of standing exercises improve flexibility, coordination, and functional strength. The ergonomic, gliding platform is ideal for post injury exercise.
2 x Pulley Tower/ Handle units
The GYROTONIC Pulley Tower is a versatile piece of equipment designed to enhance full-body movement through a unique system of pulleys and weights. It allows various exercises that improve strength, flexibility, and coordination by promoting natural, flowing movements. This apparatus is particularly beneficial for spinal mobility and alignment, making it an excellent tool for rehabilitation and advanced fitness training.
Leg Extension Unit
The Leg Extension Unit facilitates functional full body movement sequences that strengthen upper/lower body coordination, and hand/foot coordination. Contra-lateral movement sequences in various planes increase functional strength and stability at all joints. A unique, patented, cam mechanism allows the leg to elongate, as it extends. So, the hip and knee joints are able to move in a fluid, natural range, without compression, increasing stability and strength around those joints.
What clients say…
“When I do GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS®, I feel like my joints have fewer restrictions when I move in circles and spirals. It’s relaxing and feels so natural to move this way. I feel less anxious about pain, and my mood improves overall. My body is like fluid, and my movement flows with no pressure on my spine and joints, so it’s less restrictive. I feel lighter, taller and happier after a session. So many muscles are used in circular movements. It’s like an awakening of dormant, neglected muscles. I feel I have more body awareness and find Pilates was not enough to help my chronic spinal pain. I don’t feel Pilates is a complete workout without the unwinding & strengthening of gyrotonic and gyrokinesis in my exercise maintenance programme.”
“‘I have been lucky enough to have attended an Introduction class at the WA Ballet headquarters , followed by The GYROKINESIS® Pre Training & Foundation Training Master Trainer with Suzanne McCarty.
Suzanne’s style of teaching with her visual instruction and the connection she is able to engage with her students of all abilities makes her an outstanding Trainer. Suzanne is extremely knowledgeable with vast experience in many forms of movement teaching and personal experience with her own career as a Professional Ballet Dancer.
Prior to attending her first class I felt as though I would be intimidated for many different reasons…namely my complete lack of elegance in the way that I may move with comparison to a Ballet Dancer!
From the first moments in the class, Suzanne had acknowledged every individual in the class with eyes and words of encouragement. I felt completely comfortable and confident with what I was about to learn. I have not felt that enthusiastic about a new movement class before, particularly in an athletic world that could not have been further from mine.
Suzanne’s ability to teach and hence the student to learn is infectious and was shared by us all. I feel extremely privileged to have crossed paths with Suzanne and hope to be taught by her again some day.’