Price List

All prices are in $AUD & include GST.


Appointment Sessions


50-60min -GYROTONIC®/ Classical Pilates/Movement Therapy

  • Casual: $120/student under 18 years $100

  • Block of 4: $440- Valid to use within the 8 week term


50-60min- GYROTONIC®/ Classical Pilates/Movement Therapy.

Only proceed when two people are pre booked & paid upfront into a 4 week block.

  • Block 4 $240pp ( $60p/p session) Valid to use within the 8 week term

  • No casual appointments.


Relaxation, Sports, Deep Tissue

  • 60 min $110

  • 90 min $160

Remedial *Health fund rebates available.

  • 60 min - $120

  • 90 min -$170

Movement & Massage

  • 60 min $120

  • 90 min $170

Online Classes & Sessions

All online sessions are offered via Zoom. It is easy and free to set up; I can help you. Prices as above.


Group Classes


50-60min-Barre/Yoga/Pilates MAT /GYROKINESIS®:

  • Only proceed when four people are Pre-booked & paid into a 4-week block.

    Block 4 $140( $35p/p  session) Valid to use within the 8 week term

  • No casual appointments

    50-60min- Pilates or GYROTONIC® EQUIPMENT :

  • Block of 4 $180( $45p/p session) Valid to use within the 8 week term

  • No casual appointments.

Group Class Courses

50-60min- Pilates & Yoga

Classes will only proceed if 8 persons minimum are booked into the full 8 week term of classes.

  • Block of 8 $200 ($25 per class)

  • Casual $30 / student under 18years $20

Chair Movement Class (Sit Down & Move)

50min - at a concession price for seniors.

  • Casual $15

Specialty workshops

  • $35-$40 per hour


Cancellation Policy

A missed appointment affects three people: you, the instructor, and the person who wants the time set aside for you.
For the livelihood of my business, a cancellation policy must be enforced.

  • Group Classes: 24-hour cancellation policy.

  • ALL studio sessions, including massages, 1:1 sessions, Duo sessions and Quad group classes: 48-hour cancellation policy.

  • Workshops: 1-week cancellation policy.

  • The full fee will be charged if you do not cancel appropriately prior or are a no-show.

  • Regarding vacations, other appointments, and work commitments, I apologize, but I will not hold your studio-purchased blocks for any longer than the eight consecutive week expiry.

  • Regular weekly time slots require a Pre-purchase Block of 4 sessions to hold your regular time slot.

  • These cases must be discussed if you miss sessions due to sudden illness, COVID-19 restrictions, or emergencies. In this case, I will try to arrange another makeup session within the same term (subject to availability).

  • No exchanges or refunds are given unless you have a doctor’s certificate stating that you cannot continue your training for medical reasons. Sudden illness and exceptional emergency situations may be arranged separately by contacting the studio manager.

IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist
GYROTONIC Logo_Hara_Suzanne McCarty
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